Reiki Course From Top Reiki Masters In Melbourne

What is Reiki?

Reiki is known as healing energy which is considered as an substitute therapy. It was first originated in Japan during 20th century. They believe that life force energy flows universaly through all living beings. There are few things involved like:

Introduction: As we have already covered that reiki’s origin was Japan. There are five principles that attached with the reiki which helps practitioners to imbibe in their personal and professional lives respectively.

Understanding the Energy: To get the insight of this, one needs to learn about chakras and auras which are related to body’s energy center and body’s energy field. Also pick up the practice of how energy flows through body and how bloackages can effect a body.


Discover Reiki Courses in Melbourne:

1) If you are looking for the reiki course in Melbourne and want to learn from the top reiki masters of the town, then you have landed at the right place. Our courses at Pellowah is led by Jeremy O’Carroll, who is a well known reiki master in Melbourne and also an author. Anyone can take advantage of his extensive knowledge and zeal for reiki.

2) Jeremy, through his reiki course in Melbourne trying to instill healing abilities which is required to channel one’s reiki energy. It helps in relaxation, stress reduction and emotional balance in you and others.

3) You can have access to flexible learning options ranging from beginners, intermediate to advanced courses suiting your requirements and time.

Why to choose Pellowah Reiki Masters For Learning Reiki Course in Melbourne?

- Our offerings are not just limited to reiki but our experienced reiki masters also cover pellowah and its synergy with reiki. It is known to be yet another high vibrational healing method. Give your learning a new height.

- We have very cozy class size which helps our instructors to pay attention on each of the students, also it gives a sense of community.

- Through out the process we offer extensive help and support so that you feel confident.

- Our set up promotes a community of reiki masters or practitoners with somewhat similar mind sets. This enables to share experiences.

- Are ready to become a reiki master in Melbourne? If you are a practitioner and wish to take this journey to next level then our advanced reiki courses and teacher training programs are crafted for you.

- You can embark on this journey with our masters and enlighten others too by spreading the reiki healing energy knowledge.

How to go about it?

Take the first step towards healing with out various reiki course options like beginner, intermediate, advance. Out of these discover the best suited one and light the healing potential of yours.

Our experienced reiki masters are here to answer all your reiki course related queries, join us today. Let the reiki be the key to your inner well being.


How to make out which reiki course is best?

Still not clear which reiki course would be suitable for you? We understand your plight. In this regard we would like to consider your experience with reiki, is it like you are new to it. If that’s so then you can proceed with our beginner’s course for firm foundation. And if you have the basic knowledge already and now wish to delve deep into it then our intermediate and advance courses are just right for you.

Here we would like to add that always browse through the listed instructors and their way of teaching. This will allow to resonate with the like minded instructor.

Download our e-Book now!

The centre founder Jeremy O’Carroll wrote a free e-book on the topic of Pellowah healing to help you understand its power.

Download PDF now
Power of Pellowah Healing e-book

Take a Pellowah Course?

If you would like to find more about our Pellowah courses or sign up for one, visit the Pellowah courses homepage.